Professional Editing and Formatting for Your Indie Book

Developmental Editing

Copy Editing

Line Editing


Manuscript Critique

Book Formatting

Developmental Editing

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Developmental editing focuses on the big-picture elements of your story, including structure, pacing, character development, and overall flow. Our goal is to help you shape your narrative into a compelling and cohesive piece that resonates with your readers.

In-depth analysis of plot and structure

Character development and consistency checks

Pacing and flow recommendations

Suggestions for enhancing themes and messages

The developmental editing process usually takes about 4 to 8 weeks. We’ll work closely together, so it'll also depend on how long it takes you to make revisions.

Copy Editing

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Copy editing is designed to catch those pesky mistakes that can slip through during writing. We focus on grammar, punctuation, spelling, and overall style to ensure your manuscript is clear, consistent, and error-free.

Grammar and punctuation corrections

Consistency in style and formatting

Suggestions for improving word choice, clarity, and readability

Spelling and typographical error checks

Depending on the length of your manuscript, copy editing takes about 1 to 3 weeks. We include one round of revisions to ensure everything is just right.

Line Editing

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Line editing is all about fine-tuning your manuscript at the sentence level. We look at word choice, sentence structure, and overall readability, helping to improve your writing while keeping it true to your style.

Adjustments in sentence structure and rhythm

Clarifications for better understanding

Attention to tone and voice consistency

Recommendations for more impactful word choices

The line editing process can take anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the length of your manuscript. If multiple rounds/drafts are involved (we include up to three), it'll take longer.


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Proofreading is the final step in getting your manuscript ready for publication. We'll comb through your work to catch those last-minute errors and ensure everything is polished to perfection.

Corrections for punctuation and formatting inconsistencies

Thorough checks for spelling and grammar errors

Final review of layout and presentation

Suggestions for any last-minute tweaks

Proofreading is done once and typically takes between 1 and 2 weeks, depending on the length of your manuscript.

Manuscript Critique

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A manuscript critique is designed to give you insights that can help you strengthen your story and make it even more engaging for readers. It's an in-depth analysis of your manuscript, focusing on elements like plot development, character arcs, pacing, and overall structure.

Detailed feedback on plot and structure

Insights into character development and motivations

Suggestions for improving pacing and flow

Overall assessment of readability and engagement

The critique process takes about 3 to 5 weeks, depending on the length of your manuscript. You’ll receive a comprehensive report with our observations and suggestions, giving you a clear roadmap for revisions.

Book Formatting

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Book formatting is essential for making your manuscript look professional and ready for publication. We take your final draft and prepare it for both print and digital formats, ensuring that it meets industry standards.

Formatting for print and eBook versions

Consistent font styles and sizes

Proper margin and spacing adjustments

Creation of a table of contents and chapter headings

The formatting process typically takes about 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the complexity of your manuscript. We include two rounds of revisions.
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